
    Updates dtd: (18/12/2024)
    Interoperable Services (18/07/2024)
  • “Release Notes .” Interoperable services of eInvoice & E Way Bill. “ Click here.” for the API details

  • Changes in 1.03 Version (dtd:05.04.2021))
  • “Release Notes .” New authentication API has been released with end point as https:// 'URL' /v1.03/auth The request payload has been changed, complete payload needs to be encrypted using the public key. Click here for details of the API. The old authentication API is deprecated, will be removed shortly

  • Updates (06/06/2021))
  • E Way Bills can be generated only if the status of the Supplier GSTNs is 'Active'. E Way Bill cannot be generated if the status of Supplier GSTINs is 'Suspended' or ‘Provisional’ or ‘Inactive’ or ‘Cancelled’. However, E Way Bill can be generated if the Recipient GSTIN is 'Active' or 'Suspended' but not 'Provisional' or 'Inactive' or 'Cancelled'

  • Changes in 1.03 Version (dtd:30.12.2020))

  • “Release Notes .” E Way Bills can be generated only if the status of the Supplier GSTNs is 'Active'. E Way Bill cannot be generated if the status of Supplier GSTINs is 'Suspended' or ‘Provisional’ or ‘Inactive’ or ‘Cancelled’. However, E Way Bill can be generated if the Recipient GSTIN is 'Active' or 'Suspended' but not 'Provisional' or 'Inactive' or 'Cancelled'
  • “Release Notes .” As per the notification dated 22 December 2020, No. 94 /2020. the validity period of e-waybill is changed from 100 KM per day to 200 KM per day.

  • Changes in 1.03 Version (dtd:21.11.2020))

  • Certain changes have been done in validations for generation of E Way Bill w.r.t. blocking of generation for e Invoice enabled tax payers , distance and PIN codes. Details are available in the “Release Notes .”

  • Changes in PIN to PIN distances: (dtd:07.05.2020)

  • Based on the feedback from the stakeholders, the PIN to PIN distances have been re-visited and distances for some combinations of PIN codes have been updated in the E-Way Bill database. In case the users have built a database of distances for two PIN codes based on the distances in E-Way Bill System, the users are requested to get the data updated.
    In API, if the error code in the response is 702, get the PIN codes and distance from "alert" attribute in the response JSON
  • Changes in 1.03 Version (dtd:23.04.2019)

    i) Generation of E-waybill:
  • The distance between two locations is automatically calculated based on fromPincode and toPincode, with a grace of 10% extra distance, otherwise appropriate error is responded without generating the E-waybill. If the distance provided is less than the distance in the database then, E-waybill will be generated without any alert message.
  • If the distance between the two pin-codes provided is not available in our database, E-waybill will be generated with an alert message as "The distance between the given pincodes are not available in the system ." and its a responsibility of the generator to provide correct distance in such cases.
  • If fromPincode and toPincode are same then, maximum distance allowed is 100 km.
  • Generation of duplicate E-waybills for the same document by Consignee and Transporter is not allowed hence forth, hence now onwards neither Consignor nor Consignee nor Transporter can generate duplicate E-waybills for the same document.

  • ii) Extend Validity API:
  • To distinguish between the goods either on Road or in transit, new parameter transitType ( R- Road, W - Warehouse, O-Others) are introduced for Extend E-waybill API.
  • If transmode is 1 to 4 then consignmentStatus value should be M and transitType should be blank ("transitType":"").
  • If transmode is 5 then consignmentStatus value should be T and transitType value can be either R or W or O.

  • Changes in 1.03 Version till dtd:26.03.2019

  • New API GetEwayBillsByDate has been introduced to get the details of E-Way bills by date.
  • New API GetEwayBillsRejectedByOthers has been introduced to get the details of E-Way bills rejected by other party by date.
  • GetEwayBillsForTransporterByState API has been introduced to get the details of E-way bill by date and state code.
  • GetEwayBillGeneratedByConsigner API has been introduced to get the details of E-way bill by document No. and Document Type.
  • Passing transporterId is mandatory for generating Part A Slip and transDocNo, transMode and vehicleNo should be blank.
  • Tax rates are being validated.Only the allowed tax rates will be accepted as per STD Tax Rates.
  • Document type is validated against the supply and sub supply type. Accordingly the type of Consigner and Consignee is allowed. Please refer to 'Supply Type-Doc Type Mapping' for the mapping of the supply, sub-supply and document types.
  • Incase, if you are facing Invalid GSTIN issue, Go To E-waybill portal --> Search --> Taxpayer, enter the GSTIN and click on Go Button.
    If the status is Active, corresponding GSTIN details will be pulled into the database.
  • In export scenario, toPincode should be of the place from where goods leave the country
  • In import scenario, fromPincode should be of the place to where goods enter the country
  • Alerting the generator of the E-Way Bill through SMS message, in case the total invoice value is more than Rs. 10 Crores.
  • To view the ewaybills details generated or updated through API, you can use the below sandbox URL:, you can use your API login to logging into this website.