API Error codes List.

This is an incomplete error code list, please make use of GetErrorList API to get the details of all the error codes and their descriptions.

Error Code Error Description
100 Invalid Json
101 Invalid Username
102 Invalid Password
103 Invalid Client -Id
104 Invalid Client -Id
105 Invalid Token
106 Token Expired
107 Authentication failed. Pls. inform the helpdesk
108 Invalid login credentials.
109 Decryption of data failed
110 Invalid Client-ID/Client-Secret
111 GSTIN is not registerd to this GSP
112 IMEI does not belong to the user
113 os-type is mandatory in header
114 Invalid os-type parameter value
117 This option is not enabled in Eway Bill 2
118 Try after 5 minutes
201 Invalid Supply Type
202 Invalid Sub-supply Type
203 Sub-transaction type does not belongs to transaction type
204 Invalid Document type
205 Document type does not match with transaction & Sub trans type
206 Invaild Invoice Number
207 Invalid Invoice Date
208 Invalid Supplier GSTIN
209 Blank Supplier Address
210 Invalid or Blank Supplier PIN Code
211 Invalid or Blank Supplier state Code
212 Invalid Consignee GSTIN
213 Invalid Consignee Address
214 Invalid Consignee PIN Code
215 Invalid Consignee State Code
216 Invalid HSN Code
217 Invalid UQC Code
218 Invalid Tax Rate for Intra State Transaction
219 Invalid Tax Rate for Inter State Transaction
220 Invalid Trans mode
221 Invalid Approximate Distance
222 Invalid Transporter Id
223 Invalid Transaction Document Number
224 Invalid Transaction Date
225 Invalid Vehicle Number Format
226 Both Transaction and Vehicle Number Blank
227 User Gstin cannot be blank
228 User id cannot be blank
229 Supplier name is required
230 Supplier place is required
231 Consignee name is required
232 Consignee place is required
233 Eway bill does not contains any items
234 Total amount/Taxable amout is mandatory
235 Tax rates for Intra state transaction is blank
236 Tax rates for Inter state transaction is blank
237 Invalid client -Id/client-secret
238 Invalid auth token
239 Invalid action
240 Could not generate eway bill, pls contact helpdesk
242 Invalid or Blank Officer StateCode
243 Invalid or Blank IR Number
244 Invalid or Blank Actual Vehicle Number Format
245 Invalid Verification Date Format
246 Invalid Vehicle Release Date Format
247 Invalid Verification Time Format
248 Invalid Vehicle Release Date Format
249 Actual Value cannot be less than or equal to zero
250 Invalid Vehicle Release Date Format
251 CGST nad SGST TaxRate should be same
252 Invalid CGST Tax Rate
253 Invalid SGST Tax Rate
254 Invalid IGST Tax Rate
255 Invalid CESS Rate
256 Invalid Cess Non Advol value
278 User Gstin does not match with Transporter Id
280 Status is not ACTIVE
281 Eway Bill is already expired hence update transporter is not allowed.
282 At least 4 digit HSN code is mandatory for taxpayers with turnover less than 5Cr.
283 At least 6 digit HSN code is mandatory for taxpayers with turnover 5Cr. and above
301 Invalid eway bill number
302 Invalid transporter mode
303 Vehicle number is required
304 Invalid vehicle format
305 Place from is required
306 Invalid from state
307 Invalid reason
308 Invalid remarks
309 Could not update vehicle details, pl contact helpdesk
311 Validity period lapsed, you cannot update vehicle details
312 This eway bill is either not generated by you or cancelled
313 Error in validating ewaybill for vehicle updation
315 Validity period lapsed, you cannot cancel this eway bill
316 Eway bill is already verified, you cannot cancel it
317 Could not cancel eway bill, please contact helpdesk
320 Invalid state to
321 Invalid place to
322 Could not generate consolidated eway bill
325 Could not retrieve data
326 Could not retrieve GSTIN details for the given GSTIN number
327 Could not retrieve data from hsn
328 Could not retrieve transporter details from gstin
329 Could not retrieve States List
330 Could not retrieve UQC list
331 Could not retrieve Error code
334 Could not retrieve user details by userid
336 Could not retrieve transporter data by gstin
337 Could not retrieve HSN details for the given HSN number
338 You cannot update transporter details, as the current tranporter is already entered Part B details of the eway bill
339 You are not assigned to update the tranporter details of this eway bill
341 This e-way bill is generated by you and hence you cannot reject it
342 You cannot reject this e-way bill as you are not the other party to do so
343 This e-way bill is cancelled
344 Invalid eway bill number
345 Validity period lapsed, you cannot reject the e-way bill
346 You can reject the e-way bill only within 72 hours from generated timel
347 Validation of eway bill number failed, while rejecting ewaybill
348 Part-B is not generated for this e-way bill, hence rejection is not allowed.
350 Could not generate consolidated eway bill
351 Invalid state code
352 Invalid rfid date
353 Invalid location code
354 Invalid rfid number
355 Invalid Vehicle Number Format
356 Invalid wt on bridge
357 Could not retrieve eway bill details, pl. contact helpdesk
358 GSTIN passed in request header is not matching with the user gstin mentioned in payload JSON
359 User GSTIN should match to GSTIN(from) for outward transactions
360 User GSTIN should match to GSTIN(to) for inward transactions
361 Invalid Vehicle Type
362 Transporter document date cannot be earlier than the invoice date
363 E-way bill is not enabled for intra state movement for you state
364 Error in verifying eway bill
365 Error in verifying consolidated eway bill
366 You will not get the ewaybills generated today, howerver you cann access the ewaybills of yester days
367 Could not retrieve data for officer login
368 Could not update transporter
369 GSTIN/Transin passed in request header should match with the transported Id mentioned in payload JSON
370 GSTIN/Transin passed in request header should not be the same as supplier(fromGSTIN) or recepient(toGSTIN)
371 Invalid or Blank Supplier Ship-to State Code
372 Invalid or Blank Consignee Ship-to State Code
373 The Supplier ship-to state code should be Other Country for Sub Supply Type- Export
374 The Consignee pin code should be 999999 for Sub Supply Type- Export
375 The Supplier ship-from state code should be Other Country for Sub Supply Type- Import
376 The Supplier pin code should be 999999 for Sub Supply Type- Import
377 Sub Supply Type is mentioned as Others, the description for that is mandatory
378 The supplier or conginee belong to SEZ, Inter state tax rates are applicable here
379 Eway Bill can not be extended.. Already Cancelled
380 Eway Bill Can not be Extended. Not in Active State
381 There is No PART-B/Vehicle Entry.. So Please Update Vehicle Information..
382 You Cannot Extend as EWB can be Extended only 8 hour before or after w.r.t Validity of EWB..!!
383 Error While Extending..Please Contact Helpdesk.
384 You are not current transporter or Generator of the ewayBill, with no transporter details.
385 For Rail/Ship/Air transDocDate is mandatory
386 Reason Code, Remarks is mandatory.
387 No Record Found for Entered consolidated eWay bill.
388 Exception in regenration of consolidated eWayBill!!Please Contact helpdesk
389 Remaining Distance Required
390 Remaining Distance Can not be greater than Actual Distance.
391 No eway bill of specified tripsheet, neither ACTIVE nor not Valid.
392 Tripsheet is already cancelled, Hence Regeration is not possible
393 Invalid GSTIN
394 For other than Road Transport, TransDoc number is required
395 Eway Bill Number should be numeric only
396 Either Eway Bill Number Or Consolidated Eway Bill Number is required for Verification
397 Error in Multi Vehicle Movement Initiation
398 Eway Bill Item List is Empty
399 Unit Code is not matching with any of the Unit Code from ItemList
400 total quantity is exceeding from multi vehicle movement initiation quantity
401 Error in inserting multi vehicle details
402 total quantity can not be less than or equal to zero
403 Error in multi vehicle details
405 No record found for multi vehicle update with specified ewbNo groupNo and old vehicleNo/transDocNo with status as ACT
406 Group number cannot be empty or zero
407 Invalid old vehicle number format
408 Invalid new vehicle number format
409 Invalid old transDoc number
410 Invalid new transDoc number
411 Multi Vehicle Initiation data is not there for specified ewayBill and group No
412 Multi Vehicle movement is already Initiated,hence PART B updation not allowed
413 Unit Code is not matching with unit code of first initiaton
415 Error in fetching in verification data for officer
416 Date range is exceeding allowed date range
417 No verification data found for officer
418 No record found
419 Error in fetching search result for taxpayer/transporter
420 Minimum six character required for Tradename/legalname search
421 Invalid pincode
422 Invalid mobile number
423 Error in fetching ewaybill list by vehicle number
424 Invalid PAN number
425 Error in fetching Part A data by IR Number
426 For Vehicle Released vehicle release date and time is mandatory
427 Error in saving Part-A verification Report
428 For Goods Detained,Vehicle Released feild is mandatory
429 Error in saving Part-B verification Report
430 Goods Detained Field required.
431 Part-A for this ewaybill is already generated by you.
432 invalid vehicle released value
433 invalid goods detained parameter value
434 invalid ewbNoAvailable parameter value
435 Part B is already updated,hence updation is not allowed
436 Invalid Consignee ship to State Code for the given pincode
437 Invalid Supplier ship from State Code for the given pincode
438 Invalid Latitude
439 Invalid Longitude
440 Error in inserting in verification data
441 Invalid verification type
442 Error in inserting verification details
443 invalid invoice available value
444 This eway bill cannot be cancelled as it is generated from NIC1
445 This eway bill cannot be cancelled as it is generated from NIC2
446 Transport detais cannot be updated here as it is generated from NIC1
447 Transport detais cannot be updated here as it is generated from NIC2
448 Part B cannot be updated as this Ewaybill Part A is generated in NIC1
449 Part B cannot be updated as this Ewaybill Part A is generated in NIC2
450 For outward-export ewaybill, To GSTIN has to be either URP or SEZ
451 For inward-import ewaybill, From GSTIN has to be either URP or SEZ
452 Consolidate Ewaybill cannot be generated as this Ewaybill is generated in NIC2
600 Invalid category
601 Invalid date format
602 Invalid File Number
603 For file details file number is required
604 E-way bill(s) are already generated for the same document number, you cannot generate again on same document number
607 dispatch from gstin is mandatary
608 ship to from gstin is mandatary
609 invalid ship to from gstin
610 invalid dispatch from gstin
611 Invalid document type for the given supply type
612 Invalid transaction type
613 Exception in getting Officer Role
614 Transaction type is mandatory
615 Dispatch From GSTIN cannot be sent as the transaction type selected is Regular
616 Ship to GSTIN cannot be sent as the transaction type selected is Regular
617 Bill-from and dispatch-from gstin should not be same for this transaction type
618 Bill-to and ship-to gstin should not be same for this transaction type
619 Transporter Id is mandatory for generation of Part A slip
620 Total invoice value cannot be less than the sum of total assessible value and tax values
621 Trans mode is mandatory since vehicle number is present
622 Trans mode is mandatory since trans doc number is present
623 IGST value is not applicable for Intra State Transaction
624 SGST/CGST value is not applicable for Inter State Transaction
627 Total value should not be negative
628 Total invoice value should not be negative
629 IGST value should not be negative
630 CGST value should not be negative
631 SGST value should not be negative
632 Cess value should not be negative
633 Cess non advol should not be negative
634 Vehicle type should not be ODC when transmode is other than road
635 You cannot update part B, as the current tranporter is already entered Part B details of the eway bill
636 You are not assigned to update part B
637 You cannot extend ewaybill, as the current tranporter is already entered Part B details of the ewaybill
638 Transport mode is mandatory as Vehicle Number/Transport Document Number is given
640 Tolal Invoice Value is mandatory
641 For outward CKD/SKD/Lots supply type, Bill To state should be as Other Country, since the Bill To GSTIN given is of SEZ unit
642 For inward CKD/SKD/Lots supply type, Bill From state should be as Other Country, since the Bill From GSTIN given is of SEZ unit
643 For regular transaction, Bill from state code and Dispatch from state code should be same
644 For regular transaction, Bill to state code and Ship to state code should be same
645 You cannot do Multi Vehicle movement, as current transporeter already entered part B
646 You are not assigned to do multi vehicle movement
647 Could not insert RFID data, pl. contact helpdisk
648 Multi Vehicle movement is already Initiated,hence generation of consolidated eway bill is not allowed
649 You cannot generate consolidated eway bill , as the current tranporter is already entered Part B details of the eway bill
650 You are not assigned to generate consolidated ewaybill
651 For Category Part-A or Part-B ewbdt is mandatory
652 For Category EWB03 procdt is mandatory
654 This GSTIN has generated a common Enrolment Number. Hence you are not allowed to generate Eway bill
655 This GSTIN has generated a common Enrolment Number. Hence you cannot mention it as a tranporter
656 This Eway Bill does not belongs to your state
657 Eway Bill Category wise details will be available after 4 days only
658 You are blocked for accesing this API as the allowed number of requests has been exceeded for this duration
659 Remarks is mandatory
670 Invalid Month Parameter
671 Invalid Year Parameter
672 User Id is mandatory
673 Error in getting officer dashboard
675 Error in getting EWB03 details by acknowledgement date range
676 Error in getting EWB Not Available List by entered date range
677 Error in getting EWB Not Available List by closed date range
678 Invalid Uniq No
679 Invalid EWB03 Ack No
680 Invalid Close Reason
681 Error in Closing EWB Verification Data
682 No Record available to Close
683 Error in fetching WatchList Data
685 Exception in fetching dashboard data
700 You are not assigned to extend e-waybill
701 Invalid Vehicle Direction
702 The distance between the pincodes given is too high
703 Since the consignor is Composite Taxpayer, inter state transactions are not allowed
704 Since the consignor is Composite Taxpayer, Tax rates should be zero
705 Invalid transit type
706 Address Line1 is mandatory
707 Address Line2 is mandatory
708 Address Line3 is mandatory
709 Pin to pin distance is not available for the given pin codes
710 Invalid state code for the given pincode
711 Invalid value for isInTransit field
712 Transit Type is not required as the good are not in movement
713 Transit Address is not required as the good are not in movement
714 Document type - Tax Invoice is not allowed for composite tax payer
715 The Consignor GSTIN is blocked from e-waybill generation as Return is not filed for past 2 months
716 The Consignee GSTIN is blocked from e-waybill generation as Return is not filed for past 2 months
717 The Transporter GSTIN is blocked from e-waybill generation as Return is not filed for past 2 months
718 The User GSTIN is blocked from Transporter Updation as Return is not filed for past 2 months
719 The Transporter GSTIN is blocked from Transporter Updation as Return is not filed for past 2 months
720 E Way Bill should be generated as part of IRN generation or with reference to IRN in E Invoice System, Since Supplier is enabled for E Invoice.
721 The distance between the given pincodes are not available in the system. Please provide distance.
722 Consignee GSTIN is cancelled and document date is later than the De-Registration date
724 HSN code of at least one item should be of goods to generate e-Way Bill
726 Vehicle type can not be regular when transportation mode is ship
727 For Ship Transport, either vehicle number or transport document number is required
728 You can cancel the ewaybill within 24 hours from Part B entry
729 TransDoc date is required for transport mode Ship as the transport document number is provided
801 Transporter id should not be given for Gold e-Waybill
802 Transporter name should not be given for Gold e-Waybill
803 Transport document number should not be given for Gold e-Waybill
804 Transport docuemnt date should not be given for Gold e-Waybill
805 Vehicle number should not be given for Gold e-Waybill
806 Vehicle Type should not be given for Gold e-Waybill
807 Transportation mode is mandatory for Gold e-Waybill
808 Inter-State ewaybill is not allowed for gold
809 Other items are not allowed with Gold e-Waybill
810 Transporter can not be updated for Gold e-Waybill
811 Vehicle can not be updated for Gold e-Waybill
812 Consolidated e-Waybill cannot be generated for Gold e-Waybill
813 Duplicate request at the same time
814 Multi Vehicle Movement cannot be initiated for Gold e-Waybill
815 Tranportation mode should be road for Gold e-Waybill
816 Tranportation mode should be road for extending Gold e-Waybill
817 MultiVehicleMovement cannot be initiated.Eway Bill is not in Active State
818 Validity period lapsed.Cannot generate consolidated Eway Bill
819 Ewaybill cannot be generated for the document date which is prior to 01/07/2017
820 You cannot generate e-Waybill with document date earlier than 180 days
821 e-Waybill cannot be extended as the allowed limit is 360 days
823 Invalid RR No.